How this small business smashed it on YouTube
Small Business on YouTube
Written By Sanzen Digital
Published on April 5, 2017

Although YouTube is particularly suited for businesses targeting Millennials (18-30 year olds) there is no doubt that the use of online videos (whether it’s on YouTube or as embedded content on a website or an email) is a super effective digital marketing tool for every conceivable business out there.

An example of one such business is and its impressive use of online videos and success on YouTube.

Rachael Wall (a McTimoney Chiropractor) and business partner Lorna Kennard (a Sports Massage and Rehabilitation practitioner) run Sittingwell® – an online store that offers products to help you stay fit, strong and painfree. They also offer their own product (patent pending) The Sittingwell® Cushion – to alleviate back pain whilst sitting on the sofa . It is a small business which has grown, helped in large part, by using online videos.

Online videos help to bring your products to life

‘’We know that when you buy over the Internet there is a risk involved’’ shares Rachael.  

‘’You can read the features of the product in terms of its size, weight and colour but you can’t hold it in your hand, squeeze it, feel it, sit on it, or trial it even until it arrives on your doorstep. Unfortunately we can’t give our potential online customers that experience either but we hope to bridge the gap with our informative videos and detailed product descriptions. We want to provide as close to a shop experience as we can, and online videos do this for us’’.


The impact of using online videos and publishing on YouTube

sitting well cushions - on youtubeOver time with more experience on how to use the channel to effect; their more recent videos now average over 140,000 views. Furthermore, by promoting the business using YouTube (which is the 2nd largest search engine and is owned by Google – the largest search engine) the use of online videos has helped increase conversions significantly by driving traffic back to their website. As Rachael says-

‘’ Although this hasn’t happened overnight (we have learned a lot since our early videos) it is purely because we use YouTube that we have both a national and global reach with enquiries from as far as China and Australia, within a relatively short time. YouTube has also been great market research for us. By finding out what people are looking for we have been able to create more targeted information to help provide the answers they need’.

Rachel’s 8 tips on how to make an effective video for YouTube

1. Have a clear objective in mind. What questions will your ideal viewer want to be answered? Your video should be scripted as though you are talking to them only.

2. YouTube is a search engine so do your keyword research. Think about the message you want to get across; and note what you would type to search for it.

3. Make sure the title to the video is short, succinct, compelling and contains your keyword/s. We have found ‘how to’ videos to be our most viewed.

4. Always place the web link at the top of the description box as this improves the click through rate (the number of people going straight to your site).

5. In the description section, use ALL of the character allocation and use your keyword as many times as you can without looking spammy.

6. If you are editing, place a final screenshot (we use a PowerPoint slide) at the end of the video lasting 5+ seconds with your call to action/web address. This stops everyone else’s videos appearing straight away and keeps the attention on you and where people should go to find more great information.

7. And remember – videos don’t have to be professionally filmed and expensive – but do make sure it is filmed with a steady hand; has good sound quality; and ideally is no more than a couple of minutes long.

8. Most importantly, have fun making them!

If you would like to know more about how to use online videos and YouTube to grow your business online just drop us a line and we’ll be happy to help.

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