Get a WordPress Technical Audit


 And make your website safer for you and your customers


Whether it’s called a technical website audit, review, or health-check; having your website looked at by us will ensure that its security is better optimised.

It will identify any small fixes or bigger issues – such as website security inconsistencies – as well as letting you know the areas where your website is doing a sterling job.


A technically sound website is important if you want to:


  • Compete effectively online. So when potential customers searching online and comparing your business to your competitors – you’re just as effective – if not more – in driving them to your website.
  • Improve website stickiness. Have visitors to your website stick around long enough to make that enquiry, booking or sale – or simply leave your website with a great first impression – and wanting to come back again.


Our website audit is ideal, if:


  • You’re thinking about updating your website (A review will ensure that your time and resource is invested in the right areas).
  • You want to benefit from a fresh pair of eyes to look at your website and its performance – irrespective of how new or old it is.
  • You have a limited budget. And prefer to make any improvements yourself  (especially, if you have developed the website yourself).
  • You’ve done very little with your website since it was first set up.
  • You have limited know-how in web design and backend administration.


Your technical website review will cover 4 key areas


WordPress Installation

 A thorough look at the back-end of your website (the important techy stuff), as install settings left at their default values could lead to potential problems.

Website Users

A check to see what type of access subscribed and unsubscribed users of your website are given, and will again highlight best practice.

Installed Software

We will determine if the software that your website is using is up to date, such as plugins and WordPress system core. Running outdated software products will attract hackers, who will take advantage of the vulnerabilities they find in old, unmaintained software.

Files icon

Files and Folders

Every line of every file in your website will be security scanned, looking for hidden malicious code. Websites can be hacked and go undetected for years. You need to protect yourself and have an obligation in law to also protect the users of your website.



The review carried out by Sanzen highlighted problems we weren’t aware of such as broken links and the quality of the SEO implemented. It not only looked into website usability and performance but also website content against our brand, objectives, and target audience. Providing a list of actions throughout, including recommendations on potential revenue streams and lead generation opportunities we could think about.

Annie Burt, Operations manager



It’s all really impressive and so much information you have given me. This definitely is going to help me step up my game on social media.

Nisha Rajput, Owner – Blush and Curls




I highly recommend Sanzen Digital for their professional, efficient and comprehensive service. Having reviewed my website, they have provided extremely helpful feedback and suggestions to enable me to increase the awareness of my business consultancy services and also improve my website content.

Sarah Flindall, SF Consultancy

    Although we have an inhouse marketing resource, we found this external review of our website really valuable. It was surprisingly comprehensive and highlighted areas that will help our website perform better in the long term; along with the added benefit of getting a fresh perspective. I highly recommend you get your website audited by Sanzen – it really is value for money.

Melanie Meads, Director, Q1 Care Ltd

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is better about the audit you will do for me compared to an audit from elsewhere?

It is specifically designed for business owners who use WordPress for their website platfrom.  Our review will be carried out within the context of your business objectives, taking into account the specific inner workings of WordPress.

We strongly believe that you will not receive a more comprehensive review anywhere else at this price point.

I already have a technical resource, should I just get them to review my website?

Of course, this is a viable option if you already have an IT person or agency on board. However, having an external review carried out by us – will ensure it’s totally unbiased. In addition, you’ll get the real benefit of having a fresh pair of eyes look at your website. You can then pass on the review and any recommendations for your in-house team to look at.

Will it involve a lot of my time finding information for you?

No.  We’ve specifically set up a process so that it doesn’t take up much of your time at all. We just need a little info at the start – which we’ll request as we will need access to the backend of your website.

Will the information I provide you with be kept safe and secure?

Yes. The report itself will be strictly private and confidential. And we follow GDPR guidelines so any sensitive information given to us– which is usually the login details to the backend of your website – will be deleted from our secure systems once the report is sent to you.

How long will it take to receive my report?

We will send you an online PDF of the final report between 4-5 working days of receiving all the information we need.  You will be informed by both text and email of its arrival.

Audits can be quite technical and formal, will it be easy to understand?

Yes. We have designed the review so that it is easy to understand. It will have explanations of any technical terms and why we are reviewing a certain area so you understand its relevancy.

We also use a colour coded traffic light system – so that it will be quick for you identify what needs addressing ASAP (RED); what needs looking at but can wait till you have the resource (YELLOW); and GREEN for what is following best practice and is aligned to your objectives.

Book your technical website audit today

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